Luigi Marconi - iXtreme Mod su XBOX360 & WII » Stealth Modifica XBOX360 e WII & Assistenza Tecnica Informatica a 360° a Parma Thu, 23 Feb 2012 20:22:47 +0000 en hourly 1 Cosa è la nuova modifica iXtreme LT per i lettori Liteon? Wed, 27 Jan 2010 01:48:43 +0000 admin La nuova modifica iXtreme LT è un firmware pressochè uguale all’originale Microsoft montato di serie sulle consolle XBOX360. Questo nuovo firmware non contiene più tutto quel codice binario che implementava nelle precedenti versioni i controlli e l’emulazione dei tempi verifica di SS/DMI/PFI ecc. in iXtreme LT tutte le funzioni di controllo sono demandate all’utente (usando abgx360 correttamente come spiegato nei miei siti), esso si occupa unicamente di far partire un gioco in manierà identica che sia copia o originale, purchè questo rispetti alcune caratteristiche come lo SplitVid.

Anche le caratteristiche di dimensione ecc. sono in questa versione del firmware pressochè identiche all’originale, e come consigliato dal suo creatore C4Eva io eseguo “La cucinata” ovvero prelevo le informazioni sulla calibrazione del laser del gruppo ottico e altri dati (mancanti nel Dummy.bin estratto dal lettore originale coi metodi tradizionali) da speciali versioni del firmware del lettore montato sulla consolle trattata estratte coi metodi oggi usati per i lettori di seconda generazione 83850 V2 e 93850 altrimenti immodificabili, e li inserisco prima in un firmware contenitore creato appositamente mixandoli con i dati univoci della consolle, poi nell’iXtreme LT che vado a scrivere nel lettore della consolle che quindi sarà perfettamente identico all’originale con tutto guadagno delle prestazioni in lettura e la fluidità con cui girano le copie che a volte è indistinguibile dall’utilizzo dell’originale.

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Rilasciato Liteon iXtreme LT Ufficiale da C4Eva Wed, 20 Jan 2010 02:11:13 +0000 admin Rilasciato Liteon iXtreme LT Ufficiale da C4Eva & TeamJungler
assieme a JungleFlasher 1.70 ottimizzato per l’utilizzo congiunto.

Da Twitter: C4eva presents iXtreme Lite Touch (LT) in association with Team Jungle and Team Xecuter:

Contenuto file .nfo allegato:

C4E’s iXtreme Lite Touch (LT) in association with Team Jungle & Team Xecuter

After a long development and testing process we give you the first official release of the iXtreme LT

- Supports all Liteon Drives (74850, 83850V1, 83850V2, 93450)
- Totally re-written code optimised for minimal patching
- Whole banks of firware now untouched
- New Drive response timing engine accurately mimics original drive timings
- Full disc stealth used by default
- Waveless booting , disc images are assumed to be correct!
- Split-Vid used as default

###### WARNING ######

Warning! Ensure all disc images are checked with abgx as LT assumes all stealth/ss/pfi/dmi is correct. Disc images must also be splitvid and preferred SS v2

Warning! Lt will not save you from being banned if console is already flagged by using a previous firmware or non-stealth discs

It is also advisable to apply all system updates before flashing with LT. All future console system updates (not game updates) must be applied with caution

###### WARNING ######

Thanks go to Team Jungle for their hard work and efforts in the development process.
Thanks also go to Team Xecuter for their generous support to this project.

Rilasciato anche l’apposto JungleFlasher 1.70 ottimizzato su

Qui il changelog:

JungleFlasher 0.1.70(85)

Lite On Support
Auto-Load Lite-Touch firmwares
Calibration data
- spoof copies calibration data if present in source
- dummy from traget will place calibration data in dummy v2 at same location
Secret Inquiry
- performed before LO83info to identify 83 v2 and abort sequence
- performed for DVDKey, Lo83info and Dummy from iXtreme and added to dummy v2
to differientiate 83v1 & 83v2
Legacy cross spoofing
- bug fixed, now working, sorry ;(
New key locations
- long suspected 74 f/w’s with 0×1a000 and 0×1b000 key sectors,
- both found recently, support added.
Gerneral Support
Explorer contexts fixed for start in JF.
Explorer contexts fixed for Win 7.

Thanks go to Team Xecuter for their generous support to this project.
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Disponibile Modifica XBOX360 iXtreme LT (for FREE) Tue, 19 Jan 2010 00:53:47 +0000 admin A tempo di record qualche hacker etico ha fottuto i bastardissimi C4Eva e compagnia bella, e messo a disposizione del popolo internet iXtreme LT che è identico (JungleFlasher riporta Stock firmware) al firmware originale e devo dire rulla di brutto, per ora è sotto testing intenso (sono un paio d’ore che sto giocando a CoD M.W. 2) se tutto va bene da domani 19 Gennaio 2010 sarà disponibile l’aggiornamento o la modifica con questo firmware per tutti i Liteon al solito prezzo di sempre.

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Rilasciato abg360 Vers. 1.0.2 (Supp. Wave4) Thu, 12 Nov 2009 00:48:25 +0000 admin Fanculo MicrosoftFinalmente è stata rilasciata la versione ufficiale del software abg360 V.1.0.2 che supporta la verifica di giochi contenenti la nuova versione della Dashboard (Wave4) e offre nuovi controlli più approfonditi è precisi per individuare eventuali corruzioni dei dati contenuti, è anticipa il prossimo arrivo della nuova versione di Firmware x Liteon 100% Stealth iXtreme LT (Lite Touch) :

Changes affecting all platforms:

- Added support for 4th Wave PFI/Video
- Added support for SS v2
- Added the new check for DMI corruption which the database has been using since 2009/06/14
- Added ability to at least try to verify the game data when no Xex/SS ini is available and we’re not going to AutoFix
- Added support for Avatar Awards
- Added option to select your preferred language to use when displaying strings from the Xex title resource
- Added drag & drop support for the GUI Input panel
- Added option to embed images in the HTML source code as data URIs for better portability (when using HTML output)
- Added JavaScript to HTML output that allows you to check off achievements and see the achieved text (especially useful when the how-to text is vague)
- Added a Donate button to the GUI so you can help me pay the bills and continue working on improvements :)
- Removed “Look for verified files in the local folder only” option from the GUI. I can’t tell you how many people have checked this box without reading it because they saw it in a tutorial or someone else told them to do it, and then they can’t figure out why abgx360 says you need to enable online functions. Please stop writing/following tutorials! Just read the Quickstart topics, the tutorial is right there.
- Checking for updates to GameNameLookup.csv is now optional (the csv was eating 50% of our bandwidth and you probably don’t need it anyway since the game name can be retrieved directly from the Xex)
- Fixed a bug where folders would be considered files when parsing the ISO filesystem on some recent games
- Fixed a bug where (a temporary file used when decompressing a compressed default.xex) wasn’t being deleted automatically
- Fixed a bug where unicode code point 160 (no-break space) would be displayed in a CLI window as ” ?” instead of ” ”
- Small changes to the way some messages are displayed (harder to miss)

Changes affecting Windows:

- Now storing data files in the AppData folder to prevent errors related to permissions and UAC. You can open the GUI and hit Ctrl+F to find out where your StealthFiles are now stored and optionally have it opened for you. abgx360 will still check for Video ISOs in the old install directory first though, so you don’t need to move that 3rd Wave Video ISO if you have it saved there already.
- Using libcurl 7.19.6 which should hopefully fix some strange connection problems affecting a small percentage of users

Changes affecting Linux/BSD:

- Fixed a bug on 64 bit systems which made it impossible to read PFI/Video exceptions from abgx360.dat
- Added code to the unix version of kbhit() to prevent hanging when abgx360 is launched as a background process

Changes affecting Mac OS X:

- Fixed a bug where abgx360 would fail to launch if you supplied a filename that contained an apostrophe
- Changed the dark gray text used for things like achievement type to normal gray since it was actually showing up black (invisible on a black background)
- Removed GUI option to “Use Terminal font characters” (this refers to a Windows font which replicates CP437 characters and not
Special Note: It’s recommended to wait for iXtreme LT (Lite Touch) before you play any more backups or originals on an unbanned console flashed with custom firmware.

Vai a scaricarlo nel sito:

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